Our experts are renowned world-class thought leaders. They’re pioneers and innovators in their own fields and they bring unique knowledge. They’re skilled communicators and know the mechanics of learning and teaching. These are the people we want to learn from.
Alberto Acerbis
Alberto is a Alberto Acerbis is Software Engineer at intré focusing on architecture design, software development and training.
Alessandra Cianchettini
Alessandro Colla
Alessandro is CTO of Evoluzione Telematica. Passionate software developer for the past 20 years, he's been "searching for the truth" since he learned about Agile and Domain-Driven Design.
Alessandro Di Gioia
Author of the book Agile Technical Practices Distilled, trainer, software consultant and developer.
Alessandro Melchiori
Software craftsman, husband, father, ex-sportsman and inquiring reader. Since I was young I have loved taking apart and reassembling things to understand how they work. Now, this passion has become my job: the step from Lego to software development was small.
Allan Kelly
Agile expert, author of books on OKRs, Product Ownership and Agile for Software Developers.
Andrea Provaglio
Helping companies and individuals to develop better software products and to build better teams.
Angel Diaz-Maroto
Agile coach, R&D manager, software developer, software architect, ScrumMaster.
Antonio Carpentieri
Agile coach, trainer and software developer I'm passionate about Lean, Agile and new technologies.
Barry O' Reilly
Barry is a software architect and researcher, and he's the inventor of the Residuality Theory.
Ben Mosior
Ben Mosior is a consultant and expert about Wardley Mapping and other interesting change management and strategy methods.
Bjarte Bogsnes
Bjarte is the author of “Implementing Beyond Budgeting", a popular international business speaker and a winner of a Harvard Business Review/McKinsey Management Innovation award.
Bruno Boucard
Agile and technical coach, international speaker
Cédric Pontet
Cédric Pontet is one of the founders of #play14 and he's an Agile/Lean coach with over ten years of experience.
Chris Richardson
Microservices thought leader, software developer and architect, and author of the book "Microservices Patterns".
Claudio Perrone
Claudio Perrone (aka Agile Sensei) is an internationally-recognized Lean & Agile management consultant, entrepreneur and startup strategist.
Dan North
Dan North uses techniques from Lean operations, Theory of Constraints and Agile software development to help IT organisations anticipate and respond to the challenges of changing business needs.
Emanuele DelBono
Software architect and developer with more 10 years of experience in developing applications on the .NET platform. Always interested in learning new paradigms and new technologies, he is spending the last years designing and building application using the Domain Driven Design principles and also CQRS and Event Sourcing architectures.
Enrico Teotti
Enrico Teotti is visual thinker, a facilitator and an agile coach. Currently part of the Avanscoperta Team, Enrico has a solid international background in product management and software development.
Eva-Lotta Lamm
Eva-Lotta Lamm is a Designer, Visual Thinking Expert, and Trainer. She is a sought after expert and teacher in the area of sketching, sketchnoting and visual thinking.
Francesco Fullone
Francesco Fullone aka Fullo is a business designer, mentor and an investor in tech companies focused on sustainability.
Francesco Strazzullo
Francesco is an author and web developer with a focus on Javascript and on the frontend and mobile apps development.
Gabriele Lana
I proudly call myself "Software Craftsman". I began to love this profession as a child at the end of the '80s and this feelings never left me since then.
Gabriele Petronella
Gabriele is a software developer, entrepreneur and co-founder of buildo.
Gaetano Mazzanti
Agile and Lean Coach and Trainer with over 20 years of experience. Gaetano helps companies to change, transitioning to more effective organizations and processes.
Gianluca Padovani
Software craftsman, TDD addicted, agile coach.
Giordano Scalzo
I've been building and destroying software for almost thirty years, since when Santa Claus brought me a ZX-Spectrum.
Giulio Cesare Solaroli
Giulio Cesare is a Senior IT Consultant: His goal is to steer companies towards a more efficient and competitive digital future, offering expertise and support every step of the way.
Gojko Adzic
Gojko Adzic helps ambitious teams align software delivery with business goals. His books include Impact Mapping and Specification by Example, winner of the 2012 Jolt Award.
Greg Young
Greg is an independent consultant and serial entrepreneur. He coined the term "CQRS", and he writes about CQRS, DDD and other hot topics on codebetter.com.
Guy Fabien
Guy Fabien is an Agile coach with many years of experience. A “metaphorical aesthete”, Guy is a great listener and he loves helping people find out how to foster and apply their “own agile mind”.
Hoang Huynh
Hoang is an expert in UX, design and innovation. He has helped dozens of startups, companies and professionals to launch innovative products and services on the market characterized by a high experiential value.
Ilaria Mauric
Ilaria Mauric has been studying and applying agile methodologies and lean processes in the field of experience design for many years.
J.B. Rainsberger
J. B. (Joe) Rainsberger is a Canadian software development consultant and technology writer, best known for his contributions to agile development, for which he was awarded the highest honor from the agile community, the Gordon Pask Award in 2005.
Jacopo Nardiello
Jacopo Nardiello is a DevOps Engineer with a strong focus on infrastructures automation and orchestration, as well as the architecture and engineering of distributed systems based on containers and Kubernetes.
Jacopo Romei
Italian agile coach, developer, writer and singer. Author of the book Extreme Contracts on negotiation and contracts for knowledge work (soon in English) and EventStorming Facilitaror.
Jeff Patton
He helps companies design and create better products. Author of User Story Mapping.
Jenny Martin
Agile and product development coach, trainer and facilitator. Certified facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play from the Association of Master Trainers.
Joakim Sundén
Joakim Sundén is a consultant and he's Agile Coach at Spotify where he's worked at the design and introduction of the so-called "Spotify Model". Author of "Kanban in Action".
Joao Rosa
Independent consultant focused on supporting organisations in creating purposeful systems, passionate about the evolution of sociotechnical systems.
Jurgen Appelo
Jurgen Appelo is a writer, speaker, trainer, entrepreneur, illustrator, developer, manager, blogger, reader, dreamer, leader, freethinker, and… Dutch guy.
Kenny Baas-Schwegler
Independent software consultant, facilitator, DDD expert and international speaker.
Lorenzo Massacci
Facilitatore e mentor per la gestione di team e progetti software.
Luca Mascaro
Designer inspired by sci-fi, architecture, Japanese culture and human experiences. CEO & Head of design at Sketchin.
Luca Sartoni
Leadership coach specialized in managing long-distance processes and leadership development.
Manuel Pais
Author of Team Topologies: organizing business and technologies for fast flow, Manuel Pais is an independent IT organizational consultant and trainer, focused on team interactions.
Marcello Duarte
The person between the IT people and the business people. Best UK Agile Coach/Mentor in 2014, co-creator of PhpSpec.
Marco Consolaro
Software crafter, technical coach, book author, international speaker, systems thinker, symmathecist, and philosopher.
Marco Dussin
TBR Certified Trainer since 2022 and founder of Kitto, Marco is a strategic consultant, agile trainer and learning designer.
Marco Heimeshoff
Co-Organiser of KanDDDinsky, EventStormer, dev, coach and speaker. Care Bear of DDD, cultural optimist, helping others to become better versions of themselves.
Marijn Huizendveld
Marijn is a trainer and software consultant for startups and big organizations within Europe. He's often involved in DDD-related conferences in quality of speaker and trainer.
Massimo Iacolare
Mathias Brandewinder
Mathias has been writing code professionally for the past 10 years or so, and enjoying most of it. He used to work mostly in C#, until he discovered F# and fell in love with it.
Matteo Baglini
Software craftsman, technical coach, clean code addicted and co-founder of doubleloop.io
Matteo Cavucci
A specialist in creating outcome-based strategies and designing lightweight governance models, enabling team autonomy and collaborative decision making.
Matteo Collina
Matteo is a Software Architect at nearForm, author of the Node.js MQTT Broker, Mosca, the fast logger Pino and of the LevelGraph database and speaker at several international conferences.
Matteo Vaccari
Michael Feathers
Michael Feathers is the author of the best seller "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". He is specialized in refactoring, agile and XP programming practices and Test-driven Development.
Oskar Dudycz
Architect and independent consultant specialized in DDD, Event Sourcing and CQRS.
Paolo Sammicheli
Agile and Business Coach, he helps European firms achieve their full potential and find new ways to create innovative products. Author of Scrum for Hardware.
Paul Tolchinsky
Author of 2 books and over 50 articles, EODF founders and the Managing Partner of Performance Development Associates. Paul's focus is on accelerating the rate of change.
Raffaele Boiano
Experience designer, storyteller, photoethnographer. A mix of media fruition, freedom culture and social hyperinteraction.
Russ Miles
"I want to help you deliver simpler and better software and solutions." International speaker on techniques for achieving the delivery of valuable software. Author of "Head First Software Development" and of "Antifragile Software".
Sandro Mancuso
Sandro is a software craftsman, author of the book "The Software Craftsman", and a very active member of the international community (in quality of founder of the London Software Craftsmanship Community (LSCC).
Scott Wlaschin
Scott Wlaschin, author of "Domain Modeling Made Functional", is a software developer and architect. He's also the mind behind the F#-dedicated website fsharpforfunandprofit.com.
Simon Wardley
Simon Wardley is the inventor of the Wardley Maps, keynote speaker and researcher for the Leading Edge Forum, which focuses on the intersection of IT strategy and new technologies.
Simone Cicero
Self-starter, strategist, product and service designer interested in co-design, design thinking and innovation.
Stelio Verzera
Stelio Verzera is passionately curious, fond of value creation and lean thinking. Co-founder of Cocoon Projects, he created its governance model, knows as LiquidO.
Teri Frith
Teri Frith is a Certified Trainer for Sharon Bowman’s “Training from the BACK of the Room!” and has extensive experience in teaching to people of all levels and age.
Trond Hjorteland
IT architect and open sociotechnical systems practitioner with a focus on service-orientation, Domain-Driven Design, and event-driven architectures.
Uberto Barbini
A polyglot programmer and independent consultant, with more than 20 years experience designing and building successful software products.
Vasco Duarte
Lean Startup, Agile, Scrum, Business, Management. Speaker and author at https://NoEstimatesBook.com
Vaughn Vernon
The author of the "Implementing Domain-Driven Design" book.
Vincenzo Di Maria
Service Designer, Design Trainer and Co-founder of commonground: His work focuses on service design and cross-channel experiences, his approach to design is holistic, playful and people-centred.
Woody Zuill
Woody Zuill is an Agile Coach, he originated the Mob Programming approach, and he's considered one of the founders of the discussion on "#NoEstimates" on Twitter.