Corsi su: "Testing"
Eventi trascorsi:
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DIY Event Sourcing Tooling
con Marijn Huizendveld
CQRS ed Event Sourcing sono dei game-changer quando si tratta di sviluppo software. Impara come costruire in autonomia gli strumenti che ti aiuteranno a utilizzarli al meglio.
Ti interessa questo corso? Iscriviti alla Waiting List!
Microservices Workshop
con Russ Miles
Are you ready to learn how to make your code stand the test of time? Using microservices, this course will teach you how to build software that adapts as fast as your business and requirements do.
Are you interested in this course? Drop us an email at: [email protected]
Software Faster Workshop
con Dan North
Two-day workshop to learn new techniques that both enhance and replace existing agile practices and to start to think differently about design, architecture, development and testing, operations, automation and team dynamics.
Training on demand:
DDD in produzione Workshop
con Alberto Acerbis e Alessandro Colla
Workshop hands-on per realizzare microservizi CQRS con event sourcing e testing degli eventi partendo da un esempio pratico, basato su un caso reale.