Domain-Driven Design Executive View Training

Domain-Driven Design Executive View Training

Mapping the challenges of a complex enterprise software ecosystem

There are many reasons to move towards Domain-Driven Design, but not all of them are deeply understood or explained.

In this online session with Alberto Brandolini, we’ll dig into Domain-Driven Design from a socio-technical perspective, highlighting the links between approaches to software development, approaches to planning and recruiting up to business accounting.

Domain-Driven Design is definitely not a software architecture: it is an approach to software development that connects business goals to outstanding results, mixing technical excellence with a human-friendly perspective.


The workshop is a single 3-hour online block, with a chill-out time at the end. It’s designed to be interactive, without wasting precious time. We’ll be building a map of the challenges of a complex enterprise software ecosystem and see where Domain-Driven Design can help and how.

We’ll be running a quick game to highlight common behavioural dynamics, that quickly can turn dysfunctional in some organisation, and also experience what happens in a small online EventStorming session, and the type of discussions that can be triggered even when there’s little time available.

The closing would be about connecting the dots with your current challenges, your previous exposure and war stories with Domain-Driven Design and other approaches.

Target audience

This training is specifically designed for strategic decision-makers, that are in need of a first-hand deep summary of Domain-Driven Design without getting lost in the technical jargon.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand why Domain-Driven Design matters in a software organisation.
  • Understand 360° consequences and impediments to a Domain-Driven Design adoption.
  • Understand alternatives to the pains that we’re used to in software development projects.

Online Workshop: How it works

The workshop will happen online and in live streaming: the trainer and all other participants will be in a video conference. You’ll be interacting and working together in real-time thanks to a variety of tools you’ll have at your disposal.

The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online.
This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.
You won’t be sitting at your desk watching slides and videos, and you’ll be engaged in real-time activities for the majority of the time… as if we were in a real classroom!


What’s a chill-out time?
It’s our idea for recreating unstructured, relaxed time for a conversation at the end. The delivery is strictly time-boxed in three hours because your time is precious. However, after a 5-minute break we’ll be back online with a warm or cold drink and nothing specific to say. Yes, we’re trying to recreate the “drink after the workshop” experience.

Is there any pre-requirement?
No, we’ll be assuming no previous exposure to Domain-Driven Design nor direct experience in software development.

Is there anything I must do before I buy a ticket for this online training?
If you have a computer/tablet, a stable connection (at least 20 Mbps in download and 10 Mbps in upload), earphones, a microphone, and a webcam, then you’re ready to join the workshop.
You’ll get detailed information on what tools we’ll be using and how to get ready a couple of weeks prior to the workshop.
Check out your connection’s speed.
The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online. This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.


This workshop will be confirmed upon reaching the minimum number of participants. We’ll send an official confirmation to all registered attendees 10-15 days prior to the workshop dates.

About the workshop

Language: English.
Attendees: max16 participants.
Tools and Workstation: The workshop will take place online and in live streaming by using digital tools. You’ll get detailed information on how to join the online workshop, how to get ready for it and how it will work once the workshop will be confirmed.
It is highly recommended that each participant joins the workshop from their own workstation: not sharing one same laptop and/or room with other people will improve the remote experience.

Book it for your company

Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page if you wish to arrange a private custom edition of the Domain-Driven Design Executive View Training.


It is a workshop that packs a lot of information into 3h. Dealing with complexity is an everyday challenge and it is refreshing to think that we can start exploring/model our business with a simple, safe and collaborative approach. The workshop left me wanting to learn more about DDD and apply it in practice.Milijan Mudrinic

An insightful and efficient expertly delivered workshop which applies powerful DDD concepts to real-world pain points.Jason Neville

It’s a solid training I would recommend to executives who want to gain a new perspective on solving complex problems with powerful tools.Luca Sartoni

Pills of DDD! How to connect the dots from a strategic point of view in a clever and interactive workshop.Valentina Vivian

Excellent explanation of the real bottlenecks in software system development.Lex van Sonderen

This training course clarifies many concepts on DDD and suggests concrete application.Stefano D’Alessi

It’s a great overview and introduction to Domain-Driven Design.Darryl Wolfaardt

A good training course to understand the basics of Domain-Driven Design.Sophie Thomas

Alberto is one of those educators I would go listen to whatever the topic is – this is yet another great workshop with a lot of metaphors, war stories and brutally honest insights seasoned with a good amount of humor.Xin Yao

If you are looking to expand your non-technical knowledge of DDD, this is the place to go.Dave Broering

Alberto Brandolini

EventStorming Creatorauthor of Introducing EventStorming - An act of deliberate collective learning and Founder of Avanscoperta, Alberto Brandolini is an all-around consultant in the Information Technology field.

Asserting that problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that originated them, Alberto switches perspective frequently assuming the architect, mentor, coach, manager or developer point of view.

About us

Avanscoperta is a growing community of professionals learning together, exchanging experiences and ideas, exploring uncharted territories.

We carefully select the most relevant topics and the best trainers and thought leaders worldwide with an eye to the most engaging teaching techniques.
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