Decision-making for Software Development Teams Workshop

Decision-making for Software Development Teams Workshop

How to make mindful decisions for your next software project

There’s a fundamental skill all members of a software development team should master: the ability to make conscious technical decisions.

We’re facing technical and methodological decisions every day, and we often make these decisions without even realising it, decisions such as “what test do I write for this functionality?”

However, making unmindful decisions on tech stacks and architectural choices can significantly damage the project and the team’s overall wellbeing.

Join Francesco Strazzullo for his workshop and learn some fundamental decision-making techniques.
In this workshop, you’ll understand which variables you should take into account to make mindful and collaborative decisions, as well as learning how to choose your next tech stack.

Target Audience

  • CTO who want to improve their decision process
  • Software architects who want to take business objectives into account when it comes to software design
  • Software developers who want to learn decisional processes that can help them in their daily work
  • Software development teams that find it challenging to navigate the vast ocean of tech stacks available in the market.


We’ll understand how to define our project’s non-functional requirements and the project’s context during the workshop.
We’ll also understand how such requirements should impact our tech choices, and we’ll do so by doing some exercises that you can replicate in your daily work every time you need to decide on a tech stack or one of its parts.


  • The “right” tech stack
  • The decision landscape
  • Non-functional requirements
  • Decisional tools.

Learning objectives

At the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to:

  • define the non-functional requirements needed to make technical decisions
  • know what decisional tools you need to use and when
  • understand how to find the often-hidden trade-offs of each tech decision
  • collaboratively make critical decisions.

Why should you buy a ticket?

You can’t become a proficient software developer with your hard skills only. Making decisions is now a fundamental skill you should master.

Online workshop – How does it work

The workshop will happen online and in live streaming: the trainer and all other participants (max 12) will be in a video conference. You’ll be interacting and working together in real-time, thanks to a variety of tools you’ll have at your disposal.
The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online.
This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and the workshop.
You won’t be sitting at your desk watching slides and videos, and you’ll be engaged in real-time activities for the majority of the time… as if we were in a real classroom!


Are there any entry requirements to join this workshop?
No, no entry requirements.

Any suggested readings?
Decision-Making for Dummies by Dawna Jones is a good starting point.

Francesco is the author of the book Decision-making for Software Development Teams, check it out on LeanPub.

Is there anything I must do before I buy a ticket for this online workshop?
If you have a computer/tablet, a stable connection (at least 20 Mbps in download and 10 Mbps in upload), earphones, a microphone, and a webcam, then you’re ready to join the workshop.
You’ll get detailed information on what tools we’ll be using and how to get ready a couple of weeks prior to the workshop.
Check out your connection’s speed.
The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online. This is why we require that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.


This workshop will be confirmed upon reaching the minimum number of participants. We’ll send an official confirmation to all registered attendees two weeks prior to the workshop dates at the latest.

About the workshop

Language: English.
Laptop: Yes, check out the FAQ section.
Maximum number of attendees: 12 participants.
Tools and Workstation: The workshop will take place online and in live streaming by using digital tools. You’ll get detailed information on how to join the online workshop, how to get ready for it and how it will work a couple of weeks prior to the workshop.
It is highly recommended that each participant joins the workshop from their own workstation: not sharing one same laptop and/or room with other people will improve the remote experience.

Book it for your company

Contact us using the form at the bottom of this page if you wish to arrange a private custom edition of the Decision-making for Software Development Teams workshop.


If you’re not sure that the choice you made, or the choice others made for you, is the right one, this workshop is for you.Valerio Narcisi

This workshop changed the way I look at how to manage the decisional challenges my team is facing on a daily basis. All the tools and insight learned with this workshop have unveiled a whole new way of making decisions I didn’t know before.Gianluca Siciliano

Francesco is a true pro: he’s got great knowledge of the subject, and he’s very competent in explaining how to manage complex team dynamics.Andrea Dal Ponte

Best decision I could make! :-)Simone D’Avico

If sometimes you don’t know what path to choose, and the decision seems more difficult than usual, and you don’t see the solution… then you need to perfect some techniques so that you’ll see the solution by looking at things from a different perspective. That’s how you and your team will become proficient decision-makers.David Silvestri

Francesco Strazzullo

Francesco has been a software developer for over 10 years. Author of the books Decision-making for software development teams (by Avanscoperta, available on LeanPub and Amazon) and Frameworkless Front-End Development (by Apress), he's been working with .NET e J2EE applications throughout his career. He decided to focus more on JavaScript and on the development of frontend and mobile apps.



Decision-making for software development teams – su LeanPub


Technical Decision-making Anti-patterns: our remote meetup with Francesco Strazzullo.

Meet The Trainer: Francesco Strazzullo presents the workshop “Frameworkless Front-end Development

Come scegliere il tuo prossimo stack tecnologico” recorded during our virtual meetup “An Evening with ” (2nd April 2020)

Framework Compass Chart” recorded during the “An Evening with Francesco Strazzullo” meetup at MikaMai/LinkMe (Milan, 20th May 2019).

Strangler Application Pattern: a legacy frontend use case” recorded during the “An Evening with Francesco Strazzullo” meetup at TIMWCap (Bologna, 21st June 2018).

“Architectural Clash” recorded during the “An Evening with Francesco Strazzullo” meetup at buildo (Milan, 27th February 2018).


Francesco Strazzullo interviews Erin Casali: Decision-making in a Psychologically Safe Environment (taken from the book Decision-making for Software Development Teams, published by Avanscoperta)

Francesco Strazzullo is interviewed by David Saitta on decision-making: Critical Decision-making: scelte tecnologiche e reali esigenze di business.

Read our interview with Francesco Strazzullo: Frameworkless, o dell’incontro tra business e tech.

Francesco Strazzullo interviewed Woody Zuill, the creator of Mob Programming: How Mob Programming helps collaboration and getting work done

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Avanscoperta is a growing community of professionals learning together, exchanging experiences and ideas, exploring uncharted territories.

We carefully select the most relevant topics and the best trainers and thought leaders worldwide with an eye to the most engaging teaching techniques.
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