

We want to help some of our most innovative trainers and collaborators to formalize their wisdom, and we want to do so by publishing and promoting their books (both digitally and on paper).
Our goal is to spread knowledge independently from the format so getting into books seemed obvious.

Published Books

Our books are a compass for practitioners and teams to explore almost uncharted territories within the software world in its broadest possible meaning.

Decision-making for Software Development Teams

Learn how to make mindful decisions in complex software ecosystems

Author: Francesco Strazzullo
Published: March 2022
Language: English

Price: 24,99 $ on Leanpub

About the book
Decision-making is a vital skill for every senior software developer. Some of these decisions are easy to spot. For example, choosing a language or a framework for a new shiny greenfield project. Other ones are hidden in plain sight. Alas, decision-making is often an undervalued skill that most developers do not study or train.
ISBN for E-Pub 978-88-942556-1-4

The book is available in pdf, epub, mobi, web on Leanpub, and as a print-on-demand book on Amazon.

Cronache di Domain-Driven Design

Libro Cronache di Domain-Driven Design

Storie, esperienze sul campo, progetti reali raccontati in modo diverso

Authors: Alberto Acerbis, Matteo Baglini, Uberto Barbini, Alberto Brandolini, Julie Camosseto, Alessandro Colla, Marco Consolaro, Emanuele DelBono, Gianluca Padovani, Francesco Strazzullo

Published: May 2022

Price: 29,99 $ su Leanpub

Language: Italian

About the book
Questo libro è il nostro contributo per colmare il gap narrativo nella community italiana. Abbiamo volutamente limitato la parte didattica del libro — i concetti fondamentali sono elencati e riassunti, ma non approfonditi — per poterci concentrare sulle storie: esperienze sul campo di colleghi e colleghe che hanno applicato Domain-Driven Design e sono ben contenti di averlo fatto.

DDD funziona, le storie di successo ci sono: è solo molto complicato scriverle. Con questo libro proviamo a raccontarle in un modo un po’ diverso.

Il libro è disponibile in formato digitale (pdf, epub, mobi, web) su Leanpub e in formato cartaceo su Amazon.

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