PopcornFlow Workshop

PopcornFlow Workshop

Un workshop memorabile per pionieri dell’innovazione e agenti del cambiamento


PopcornFlow brings a philosophy, principles, actionable techniques and tools to introduce rapid change in your organization and innovate like some of the best and most aggressive Lean startups around.

The goal of this workshop is to help you develop the skills to introduce change and innovate inside and outside your workplace through ultra-rapid experimentation.

Target Audience

This online workshop is for:

  • Innovators (either inside or outside organizations),
  • Change Instigators (e.g. change agents, PMs/scrum masters/team leads, managers, whole teams)
  • Achievers (you :-) )

This is a practical, action-learning workshop focused on real problems. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring issues from their business and situations.

What will you learn in this workshop?

After this workshop, you will:

  • Use PopcornFlow as your core system to introduce, sustain and accelerate change to annihilate organizational inertia
  • Use solid metrics to indicate increased agility and progress within your team(s)
  • Be able to facilitate very effective retrospectives for both co-located and distributed teams
  • Use PopcornFlow as a visual communication/mentoring platform to reach wider consensus and take better decisions with peers, managers and/or reports
  • Integrate and/or replace other popular (but often short-lived and less effective) Lean Startup tools with PopcornFlow’s experiment board to sustain continuous product innovation and get traction.
  • Be happyreally happy.


The workshop includes individual and group activities to actively involve participants in learning/refining the PopcornFlow methodology and allow them to practice in a safe and fun environment.
Learners will engage in learning/refining the PopcornFlow methodology through highly participative activities.

It follows the 4C instructional design model, which is based on sequences of:

  • Connections: Activities that connect learners to what they know already about the topic, to each other, and to what they want and need to learn
  • Concrete Practice: Leaners actively review content and practice skills
  • Concepts: Lectures or “direct instruction” training segments
  • Conclusions: Learner-­led summaries, evaluations, and celebration activities.

Expect to get your hands dirty – How does it work

The workshop will happen online and in live streaming: the trainer and all other participants will be in a video conference. You’ll be interacting and working together in real-time thanks to a variety of tools you’ll have at your disposal.

This is why we suggest that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.

You won’t be sitting at your desk watching slides and videos, and you’ll be engaged in real-time activities for the majority of the time.


Is there anything I must do before I buy a ticket for this online workshop?
If you have a computer/tablet, a stable connection (at least 20 Mbps in download and 10 Mbps in upload), earphones, a microphone, and a webcam, then you’re ready to join the workshop.
You’ll get detailed information on what tools we’ll be using and how to get ready a couple of weeks prior to the workshop.
Check out your connection’s speed.
The workshop will keep its highly interactive and hands-on spirit despite being online. This is why we recommend that all participants keep their webcam on for the whole duration of the workshop: this will enhance the quality of the communication and of the workshop as a whole.

About the workshop

Language: English.
Laptop: Yes, check out the FAQ section.
Maximum number of attendees: 20 participants.
Tools and Workstation: The workshop will take place online and in live streaming by using digital tools. You’ll get detailed information on how to join the online workshop, how to get ready for it and how it will work a couple of weeks prior to the workshop.


If you want to know how to start a transformation more efficiently – try PopcornFlow by Claudio Perrone.Alexey Pikulev

Se proprio vogliamo definirla, PopcornFlow è una metodologia Agile per la gestione del cambiamento e del miglioramento continuo. Ma al di là delle definizioni, si tratta di un gioco di semplicità disarmante, adatto a qualunque contesto: lavorativo, sociale, educativo, familiare. Ora vi lascio perché devo predisporre la board sul frigo in cucina…Alessandro Giardina – Product Owner at Docebo

È un metodo saggiamente costruito sulla complessità che stiamo vivendo e sulle persone.
Dà delle risposte semplici ed immediate per affrontare il cambiamento e fare esperimenti.Michele Luconi – CEO e-xtrategy

PopcornFlow è una piccola ma micidiale arma in grado di sgretolare l’inerzia. La utilizzo sin dalle sue prime sperimentazione in contesti molteplici… è contagiosa! Ha fatto della strada ma può ancora farne molta: crescendo, evolvendo, migliorando… Per me PopcornFlow rappresenta un altro potente ‘thinking tool’ della mia cassetta di Lean Agile Coaching e Consulting.Fabio Armani – CEO & Owner OpenWare

Claudio ci ha guidati in un bel viaggio assieme a persone, amici, virus e lumache. E l’inerzia è rimasta fuori della stanza… ha funzionato!
Sperimentare è la cosa più naturale del mondo; ma che **zzo abbiamo da perdere?! :-)Andrea Torino Rodriguez – Agile Coach

Claudio ci ha fatto comprendere come con PopcornFlow si possano usare piccoli passi, brevi iterazioni e micro esperimenti per migliorare il proprio lavoro, il lavoro del team, l’approccio alla vita. Non male per un giorno di workshop.Francesco Fullone – CEO at Ideato

Claudio Perrone

Claudio è genovese, gira in tutta Europa, ma ha sede a Dublino da oltre vent'anni. Nella sua carriera ha avuto un ruolo chiave nell'evoluzione Lean & Agile sia per organizzazioni globali sia per start-up tecnologiche in rapida crescita.

I suoi strumenti di Lean Thinking sono utilizzati da centinaia di aziende in tutto il mondo, tra cui Toyota, Spotify, Honeywell, Goodyear, Nissan North America, McKinsey, Skype, BearingPoint, Siemens, e molte altre.

Chi siamo, in breve :)

Avanscoperta è un ecosistema in espansione fatto di professionisti con una grande passione per l’apprendimento: ci piace imparare cose nuove e scambiare esperienze e idee, esplorando territori finora inesplorati in ambito software, nella sua accezione più ampia possibile.

Selezioniamo con attenzione gli argomenti più rilevanti e i migliori docenti da tutto il mondo, e diamo particolare importanza alle tecniche di insegnamento, preferendo approcci pratici e coinvolgenti.
Unisciti a noi! ?

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