
CQRS, Event Sourcing and Applying Domain-Driven Design

A 2 days introduction to CQRS and Event Sourcing, led by Greg Young.

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This course will teach you all about system building and architectures with Domain-Driven Design.

The largest problem many run into with Domain Driven Design is in getting the abstract concepts implemented in a concrete way. Many of the stereotypical architectures people use actually make it impossible to apply DDD. Greg’s course will help you avoid this by teaching you all about Command Query Separation (CQRS), Domain Events, Event Sourcing and how to effectively apply DDD within an organisation.

Learn how to:

  • Apply DDD
  • Use CQRS
  • Understand Domain Events
  • Apply Event Sourcing

Target Audience

Architect or Senior Developer with a strong interest in Domain Driven Design and in Command Query Separation (CQRS), Domain Events and Event Sourcing.


Please, bring your own laptop with you. You’ll need to develop on your favourite platform and IDE, not to waste time on another platform’s technicalities…

Also having read Eric Evans’ book on Domain-Driven Design is recommended.

Labs and Exercises

The focus on the class is on applying Domain-Driven Design. This means that while the concepts will be explained, Greg Young will make you sure you focus on creating working code. The focus will be on how DDD concepts will be applied in your domain. A maximum of 14 people will attend, to facilitate interaction.


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