Adaptive Organisation Design with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
How to truly generate next-gen organisations

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There is a growing interest in organisations that are able to cope with increasing amounts of unrelenting change, while keeping a clear strategic direction. Achieving this is not a matter of bringing some more “agility” to the existing organisation at any scale.
In fact, it is about understanding and implementing a completely new concept of the organisation itself.
It is about putting the real system and the formal system in the right order of priorities, stop trying to fit the territory into our ideal map, and telling people they have to adapt to the organisational structure as it is “designed”.
Here lies one of the most compelling revolutions we’re undergoing globally: we’re devising organisations that allow people to arrange the way they work together according to the needs of the situation and having the formal system adhere to the real one. In any given moment, the real structure is reflected by the formal one. And this is key for the maximum expressions of our ancient capability of dealing with complexity and variability as a unique whole.
Having the formal structure as a dynamic support instead of a burden in our way.
Making this possible is what Adaptive Organisation Design is all about.
About the workshop
In this Master Class we’ll literally play with this concept, in order to deeply understand it, building it up so to be concrete and applicable in our professional lives.
And we are going to achieve this using a very special tool: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® .
This method is built upon a process which stems from the heart of LEGO® system, and embeds decades of studies in the fields of cognitive sciences, neurobiology, management, strategy and more.
Rather than drawing organization charts or even organigraphs, imagine bringing the new organization to life in 3 dimensional ways.
Imagine having a tool that enables people to envision their organizations in creative and radically new ways, allowing for the integration of rational thinking, intuition and emotions.
The workshop will last two days and unfold in two phases.
Phase 1
What and Why. Exploring and understanding what an Adaptive Organisation really is, why and when it is a good thing to pursue it and what are the principles behind it.
Phase 2
How. Diving into the nitty-gritty of how on Earth it is possible to realize such an organisation, both from the human system perspective and the organisation designer intervention perspective.
In the first phase we’ll use all the seven application techniques of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®, offering a broad and complete overview of its power and in this specific domain.
- Co-creation and the usage of full human potential
- Complex adaptive systems
- Evolution of human systems
- Strategic inclusion of unknown unknowns
- The usage of narratives, metaphors and brain-hand connection in design
- Unconscious knowledge and its usage in organisational design
- The LEGO® Serious Play® method
- Co-design process for adaptive organisations.
What will you learn
- Who, why and how to involve in the design process
- What and “adaptive organisation” really is
- How to design for adaptiveness
- How to integrate LEGO® Serious Play® in an organisational design process
- How to craft and ask questions in the deep research of needs, desires and fears of the people in an organisation
- How to co-create adaptive organisations, to lay foundation for their excellent execution and navigate change in real time.
All in all, you will develop capabilities needed for engaging both your imagination and your intellect in approaching the setup of Adaptive Organisations with increased confidence, commitment and understanding.
Target Audience
Who is the perfect fit for this workshop?
- Entrepreneurs
- CEOs and General Managers
- VPs of Strategy and/or Marketing
- Heads of Division/Unit
- HR Directors
- Innovation Officers
- Org Designers and Org Developers
- Service Designers.
In which language will the workshop be?
The workshop will be held in English.
The workshop is CONFIRMED! :-)
Coffee breaks and lunches with the trainer and the other attendees are also included in this ticket… because networking matters. :)
Questions? Drop us a line: [email protected]
Paul Tolchinsky
Author of 2 books and over 50 articles, EODF founders and the Managing Partner of Performance Development Associates. Paul's focus is on accelerating the rate of change.
Stelio Verzera
Stelio Verzera is passionately curious, fond of value creation and lean thinking. Co-founder of Cocoon Projects, he created its governance model, knows as LiquidO.