

A team, or a department, involved in software development is a complex ecosystem, whose behavior is the outcome of decisions at the technology, organization or general context level. Our experience and a system-leve perspective tell us that a combination of different expertises lead to more effective and durable solutions, while local solutions fail to achieve long lasting results.

Enterprise Modeling

Information technology is the propelling engine behind last decade’s most successful companies. But a wrong management can transform IT into a burden, or a drag for the enterprise competitiveness.

First step to recover control of the enterprise architecture is to correctly understand and implement the model of the enterprise, correcting growth defects and accidental complexity that accumulated over the years.

Model exploration is crucial to build quality products, but also to migrate complex enterprise infrastructure towards more flexible architectures, able to catch opportunities for evolution, without being locked into past hardly-reversible decisions or vendor moods.

Possible results might be:

  • an architecture based upon the principle of Domain-Driven Design, in its several tastes;
  • a rationalized version of the existing Service Oriented Architecture;
  • an evolutive road-map, highlighting main points of friction of the existing architecture and sketching a pragmatic way or the current standpoint.

Agile Coaching

We help teams to put agile software development principles into practice. We help organizations to manage transitions towards a new way of developing software, involving the right persons and teaching how to play new roles in the new ecosystem.

In practice this may mean::

  • teaching the basic of agile software development processes;
  • evaluating which model better fits the customer’s contexts and which predictable outcomes can be expected;
  • kicking-off a transition towards a new software development process.
  • supporting the team at the technical, methodological end process level, during its growth and transformation path.
  • supporting the organization as a whole in the resulting evolution

360° IT Organization Sanity Check

Resistance to change can be deeply rooted. Behaviors perceived as “winning” in a given context, shape a company culture. But they’re often the result of system constraints that make the status quo (or a slow decline) a system attractor.

A real change management strategy can be successful only considering the real system constraints, to apply efforts where they can be successfully leveraged, avoiding to waste time, money and energy where the odds are against us.

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