
Cristiano Giardi

Instructive, engaging and well organized.

It’s been enlightening to learn the tricks that help us learn new things and concepts, and the same tricks can be applied to any type of teaching experience (from a frontal session to a workshop, and anything in between).

We’re used to learning new things in the same old way as school, university and courses have taught us in all these years (aka the frontal way), and so, when it comes to teaching we’re kind of used to transmit knowledge in that same old way in our workshops too. But this doesn’t work, especially when moving to the online format.

The methods detailed by Sharon Bowman in her book and training course “Training from the BACK of the Room”, which I could experience in an online workshop taught by Teri Frith, are instead an effective and innovative “toolkit”. In this way, you’re able to teach how to learn, elaborate and consolidate newly learned concepts in a very easy and simple way. This also fully applies to the online scenario, as I could experience myself.

The interaction and the exchanges with the other students, the discovery of a whole lot of functionalities inside the online tools that are extremely useful when it comes to collaborating with others remotely, the extra resources (videos, articles, workbooks), and of course Sharon’s book: all of these elements made the training course held by Teri Frith very complete.
During the workshop, Teri has been applying the same techniques we were learning from her.

It’s a mandatory workshop for anyone who wants to teach or facilitate online sessions of any kind.

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