Corsi su: "Product Owner"
Calendario corsi:
4 ottobre 2024, dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 (CEST - Italia)
Corso Online
Writing OKRs
con Allan Kelly
Experience and practice writing OKRs that effectively cover the next three months and produce meaningful improvements, with Allan Kelly, author of the best seller Succeeding with OKRs in Agile: How to create & deliver objectives & key results for teams.
Corso Online
Collaboration Toolkit
con Jenny Martin
A workshop for product owners that will equip you with a toolkit of techniques you’ll be able to implement when it comes to discussing every stage of a product lifecycle with other stakeholders.
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Impact Mapping Workshop
con Gojko Adzic
Impact mapping, story mapping and valuable user stories. Join this interactive workshop and learn how to get the most out of user stories.
Eventi trascorsi:
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Developer vs Manager: dal conflitto alla collaborazione con LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
con Lorenzo Massacci e Jacopo Romei
Smettere di andare in direzioni opposte e cominciare a lavorare insieme per raggiungere un unico vero obiettivo: consegnare software di valore.